We Have Cukes, Yes We Do!

We have cucumbers! This is the earliest we’ve had cucumbers and we’re so excited to be able to start bringing them to the Medina Square Farmers Market this early in the season. Our success at achieving such an early start to our cucumbers is attributed to starting them in one of our first two heated greenhouses and then transplanting them to their new homes (an unheated greenhouses) once the threat of sub freezing temperatures had past. Even after we made the call to transplant them, we had to utilize a space heater on a handful of nights that crept too close for comfort to freezing temperatures. It seems like late spring frosts are becoming even more unpredictable than they ever have been before. Anyways, as all good farmers do, we had a plan, a backup plan, and we were able to adapt and overcome!


Medina County Fair


Oops…We Did It Again!