Our Online Store is Live Through May 2024!

Thank you so much for a successful 2023 summer market season! We look forward to keeping in touch with all of our local customers by making a selection of our produce available during the offseason for purchase through our online store and pickup at our farmstand, open daily between the hours of 8 AM - 6 PM.

While our farm stand will be stocked with produce from October - May for purchase with cash or Venmo at the point of sale, we invite you to utilize our online store so that our produce may be picked to order for guaranteed freshness.

Directions: Simply complete your order online through our website below by adding your desired items and quantities to your “cart.” In step 2 of the checkout process, you’ll notice that pickup is the only option. Please provide any additional information we should know about your order in step 3 of the check out process. After order submission, you will receive an email confirming your order. Once we have harvested your order, we will bag and label it. Finally, we will place your order inside of our farmstand where you may pick it up daily between the hours of 8 AM - 6 PM.

Below you will find a list of our produce that is currently available for harvesting and sale. If an item is not listed or is labeled “Sold Out,” it is currently not ready for harvest at that time or it may not be available during the off-season. Please feel free to contact us at root42harvests@gmail.com with any questions about produce availability.